Monday, 22 June 2015

Ego Tripping Out

Whilst waking up every day in perpetual excitement at the forthcoming holiday, I know reality will surely sink in at some harsh point when finding myself trapped with the gang in a silver Vauxhall Zafira, on Le road trip to France and Spain during July. Anxiety also creeps upon me as I ponder how to re-create the honeymoon experience we enjoyed at my aunt's house some 18 years ago, with a teenage dirtbag and Mini-Me in tow.
Mission Impossible? (1996).

We are fortunate to have some luscious limes growing on a tree in the backyard, have acquired a gigantic splash pool plus a comfortable sun lounger. It is possible that I am morphing into the 'wonderful world to share,' not of 'brash' Barbie but more likely the UK's Sindy. She had a swimming pool, 'complete with underwater floodlight and foaming jet stream.' We can manage overhead lights and if we all fart together surely we will enjoy the same wonderful effect.

Trying super hard not to begin my sentences with 'I.' This is very challenging when the main subject matter in Susie's Arabian Adventure is Moi and my right of passage through this time in my life. My up to date diary of now. However, who doesn't get annoyed or irritated from time to time by some egocentric woman waffling on and on? Believe me, she even annoys herself!
Universally speaking one of my main aims is to reveal the real challenges any woman of substance has to face as a wife and mother. Although, it's equally as hard for you guys too, so hang on in there suckers.

Speaking of mothers, how shocking to hear that whilst on the very brink of bringing me forth into this world, my own beautiful, blossoming mum was merrily riding pillion on the Yamaha, hugging my handsome dad in her maternity mini dress! It is no wonder I am as I am. Happy to report she did wear a helmet. Is this why I enjoy the thrill of the chase and life in the slower lane of the bicycle seat?

Gently encouraged at an event entitled, Womanhood, to write down the advice we would give to our teenage self with the wisdom acquired in adulthood, this is what I wrote:

Dear Susie,
Don't be afraid, just be yourself. You are good enough just as you are.
Don't try to be anyone else, just be you!

I'm going to tell Ellie these words every week, for the rest of her lovely life.
Hoping you all feel the power of those words for yourselves too, right here, right now.

Another music video I love and would delight to be in with all my wonderful friends and family.

The green fields, hills and woods are no longer a mirage but are actually waiting there on my not so distant horizon once again. Be prepared friends.

With Love xx

Ego Tripping Out  by Marvin Gaye (1979)

You Only Get What You Give  by the New Radicals (1998)

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