Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Distracted by decongestant

I haven't inherited my mum's culinary skills or my dad's green fingers. Where does this creative force come from? Was there a literary hero disguised as a milkman, delivering more than he should in Shepley in 1971? Did the postman always ring twice at number 98 Marsh Lane?
I've been listening to a few Coldplay songs lately and think that Chris Martin would benefit from sleeping with my husband. Not for love or lyrics sake but simply to clear his nasal passages. The amount of Olbas Oil, (inhalant decongestant) Nigel douses his pillow with every night are practically suffocating me. On the other hand, it could be a secret writing potion. My very own opium working its magic upon me as I drift away 'to sleep, perchance to dream;'......(quote from Hamlet).

The weather has been very unsettled here recently. Strong winds arrived cooling the temperatures to lows of 14 degrees. I know that will seem pleasant to a lot of you. On occasion, I've had to wear a jumper and a jacket at the same time! Joshua still seems to be comfortable wearing his shorts to school.
We've also suffered a couple of sandstorms. The dusty sand is vigorously, fine sieved everywhere, like icing sugar over cakes. It gets into your whole house, hair, ears, eyes, nostrils, mouth, teeth and lungs. There is no escape.
A more pleasant weather front I experienced was cycling into an abyss of thick fog one morning. Moisture fell off my helmet in droplets and the cold, damp sweat I produced reminded me of cycling around my Yorkshire home in autumn. I felt really safe wrapped up in the fog cocoon, as though I was in a bubble of beautiful nothingness.

Things I can buy with my QR14.75 from Carrefour Supermarket, (referring to my Inspired post from 5th January).

30 slices of Mozzarella or Cheddar cheese

450g tub of Coffee Mate light  OR

some Cool Malibu Playboy, full body shower gel and shampoo for him, only QR14.50

Shall I treat him and leave 25 dirhams in my account? Possibly if it doesn't smell of eucalyptus.

I have written 12,467 words of my novel so far.
I have realised that I am very easily distracted, yet also very determined.

Current distractions include:

Listening to 'Don't Panic' and 'Talk' by Coldplay, reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, dancing to Otto's Journey by Mylo and singing along to everything on the radio, Hywel's CD collections, the iPod, youtube, you name it.

 Je m'appelle Susie x

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